Lima, Peru joins the American continent and the world to sing to the ocean.

FACT: The oceans are dying. No one can live without the ocean, not even a cactus, not even humanity.

The Ocean Beat Overview

Ocean Beat, an American based program founded by Dixie Belcher, ORCA Peru Vicepresident, that brings together students around the world via the internet to work and sing together to raise awareness about the state of the world’s and to inspire change. Born Free, a school in Bangalore, India, brings dance, music, painting and sculpture to slum children, introducing them to the world of education, and connecting them with other Indian students. Born Free adds art and dance to Ocean Beat ’s musical vision and expands its mission to care about the oceans to include caring about humanity.

Ocean Beat is a growing coalition of artists, musicians, scientists and native peoples working to widen world views and inspire action.

ORCA in Peru joins Ocean Beat carrying the message of marine conservation to schools in Lima through our Aleta Educational Network, involving volunteers of the ORCA Junior program, mostly high school students, which songs are added to complement the activities of cleaning beaches, rescuing marine animals affected by pollution and bringing awareness in real time to the problems that humans have generated in the ocean, plus what actions can we do altogether to solve them. ORCA is in contact with local folk musicians with marine mystic to join Ocean Beat initiatives in spreading the message of the ocean in future international events.

Learning to care is the core issue in both environmental and social efforts. Our view of the environment often precisely reflects our view of humanity. Throw-away garbage has expanded to throw-away people and even throw-away countries. Learning to care is vital to building a world that is healthy for everyone. Ocean Beat uses music and art to build international friendships that promote empathy and understanding with each other and the natural world. A primary goal is to raise awareness about-space issues because the ocean is key to everyone’s survival and its health is affected by almost everything we do.

Ocean Beat is currently working to connect Alaska, Indian and Hawaiian schools, experimenting with singing and brainstorming together via the internet. We are reaching out to organizations around the world, including the South Africa Children’s Peace Train, the Paraguay Landfill Harmonic Orchestra; Jumping Cats – international breakdancers for peace and positive change in Uganda; Tari Saman – Indonesian student singers and dancers in Aceh; The Chevak Dancers – Alaska Yupik Eskimo student performers; as well as students in Nova Scotia (Canada), Lima (Peru) and Australia.

Ocean Beat is organizing a tour of international musicians, artists, dancers and indigenous leaders by van throughout Southeast Asia schools in fall 2016 to continue the process of bringing together students to expand their world, build friendships and raise awareness.

Ocean Beat is working towards performing simultaneously from various parts of the world via the internet December 27, 2016 at the Woodford Folk Festival in Australia and towards an international internet concert the following year.

Students, teachers and schools wanting to be involved may contact us through www.oceanbeat.org.

Ocean Beat is a project derived from the NGO "Turning The Tides" based in Alaska, United States, whose founder Dixie Belcher and Dr. Carlos Yaipén-Llanos (President of ORCA Peru) began to promote the integration of the public along the coast and to promote awareness of the human impact, mainly plastic and its effects on the ocean's health.

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