ORCA develops Educational Programs for almost two decades. The basis for educational programs were cemented by conducting pedagogical research comparative in which the target groups to be educated were evaluated in a experience and thus implement the pedagogical strategy that best suits the psyche of the student, taking culture, family baggage, and its proximity to the sea as regards.
ORCA Educational Programs have been designed by educators, psychologists and a multidisciplinary team of professionals to be approached as experiential workshops and thematic talks aimed at children, youth and adults to whom they will be provided with relevant information about the oceans; the characteristics specials of marine mammals, penguins and sea turtles; the problem current facing marine life; and the solutions of which we are all part. Each Program includes a campaign that promotes the receipt of donations for the marine patients that ORCA cares for, thus generating a bond of compassion between the participants and the marine animals we rescue, thus sustaining our Animal Welfare Programs and generating change positive in the attitude and actions of the participants for the benefit of their environment.
ORCA develops a successful and continous Educational Programs, carrying out workshops for kindergarten, Elementary and High school in schools both at fishermen towns and within Lima City. Our Programs also include conferences and workshops for students of Universities on biology, veterinary sciences, conservation and research directed to marine mammal sciences and its importance. Also, the contribution of our program reaches technical/educational support to personnel related to health and environment in local City Halls. .
Since 2002. The ORCA Kids Program is delivered as a workshop for children, with a
minimum age of 5 years old up to 10 years old, during four sessions of sensitizing marine topics. The impact of the ORCA Kids Educational Program is
demonstrate when children take the message of ocean conservation to
home, getting to know the species, the ocean and its connection with us, involving parents in beach clean-ups and campaigns, and inviting the school and the parents to be part of our Stranding Network for the rescue of sea lions, dolphins, penguins and sea turtles. |
Since 2003. This program seeks to sensitize young people, teenagers under 18 years old, in development of ecological values and actions to reinforce respect for life and protection of the environment, showing them a
different relationship between man and the sea, using as a reference to marine mammals, making them feel part of a community dedicated to the
conservation. The program includes experiential experiences, videos showing the
relationship between humans and marine mammals, the self-assessment process
calling for personal actions in favor of teamwork and the protection of
marine animals, promoting the energetic connection between the new generation and the
sea, together with the sensory development facing the sea, in controlled environments and
marine patients in rehabilitation. This is a different model of interaction with the
ocean and marine animals, designed for today's youth. |
Since 2005. This program has been designed to train pre-school, elementary, middle and high school teachers
high school on issues of marine conservation, biology and natural history of
marine mammals, and the importance of these species as bio-indicators,
guiding them in the pedagogical dynamics thus contributing to diversification and
complementation of the formal educational curriculae, since an specialy designed educational guide is used
in the form of a Teacher Manual created by ORCA to enhance the included
training. |
Since 2009. ORCA develops a successful and continous Educational Program through the DEEP OCEAN PROJECT, carrying out workshops for fishermen in coastal towns, captains and crew from large fishing vessels, stakeholders and decision makers. This Program includes conferences and workshops for students of Universities on biology, veterinary sciences, conservation and research directed to marine mammal sciences and its importance. Also, the contribution of our program reaches technical/educational support to personnel related to health and environment in local City Halls. |
Since 2005. This program is directed to persons interested in getting hands-on experience
protecting the ocean in one of the hardest locations, is
welcome to join us.
Up to date, the ocean is the last frontier for humanity.
However, human activities have a direct impact upon
the marine environment, bringing several species to
extinction. In Peru, the situation is not different, but
additionally, there is a lack of ecological values and
understanding regarding how the ocean nurtures our
existence. We can stop the negative effects with
positive actions, creating a culture of respect for live
and love for nature, because the ocean is important
for our survival and that of all live on Earth. |
ALETA Education Network
Since 2012. This education network is an integrated system of education programs that ORCA promotes with schools and institutions interested in bringing together their communities, families, students, teachers, pricipals and administators in to marine conservation. Schools and education institutions can become part of this program by a Cooperation Agreement and choose the level of involvement for their participants. |
Since 2012. The Marine Visitor Program has been designed to complement the
objectives of the different Orca Educational Programs, raising awareness,
raising awareness and reinforcing marine ecological values and the message of
ocean conservation through participation in environmental activities, taking
guided visits to our Marine Mammal Rehabilitation Center or receiving specialized
talks through virtual school. Includes audio-visual presentation, an special presentation
of our osteological museum (bones) and a guided tour of the facilities of the
Center and meet one or more of the marine patients in rehabilitation when there is
medical authorization to receive visits. |