If you are interested in marine biology, veterinary science, ocean conservation, environmental sciences, marine mammalogy or just want to experience something completely different for a month or more, and at the same time, to learn about all of these, the International Internship Program is for you! ORCA relies mainly on receiving interns and volunteers from around the world to help with our rescue and conservation activities, while witnessing and experiencing first-hand our work for marine life. The Internship Program is designed as an integral training workshop so it does require to cover a program cost and a registration fee for reservation and participation that includes housing, materials, specialized training and Official Certification. Please request the Information Packet for further details, information and disccounts! ORCA receives no governmental nor corporate help in Peru so all donations from the International Participation Programs also go directly to fund our rehabilitation and research programs in Peru.

Interns join us from around the world creating the best support for our operations, with passion, dedication and commitment. Our deepest gratitude to past, present and future interns for supporting ORCA activities!
Every day is different and your time with us will depend on the current research activities, whether this is an influx of sea-lions or penguins in rehabilitation, or cetaceans and sea turtles that need help; also carrying out research on dolphins and whales from boats and from land, depending on the season. You will need to be adaptable and prepared for action at any moment as a marine mammal in trouble will require immediate assistance. You will be given a large amount of responsibility and work up-close with the marine patients in our South Pacific Marine Mammal Center. If you would like to learn more from previous interns, you can read this blog post here:
Read some of our stories in our international participants blog here:
How to register?
You can request the full Information Packet to: internship@orca.org.pe / orca.peru@gmail.com
Months available:
January - February - March / May - June - July / September - October - November
Our On-line Coordinator we will be happy to send you the Information Packet and guide you through the registration process!
Up to 2024, ORCA has received in Peru over 160 international partipants from 27 countries from four continents:
• United States.
• Dominican Republic.
• Mexico.
• El Salvador.
• Colombia.
• Chile.
• Canada.
• Bolivia.
• United Kingdom.
• Switzerland.
• Sweden.
• Spain.
• Portugal.
• Norway.
• Netherlands.
• Ireland.(NEW COUNTRY in 2024!)
• Germany.
• France.
• Belgium.
• Austria.
• Ukraine.
• Rusia.
• Iran.
• China.
• New Zealand.
• Marshall Islands.
• Australia.
"Rescue, Education, Science and
Saving Marine Life in
the Eastern South Pacific"